Friday, October 19, 2007

On Hearts

The heart shape, and with it its connotations of love and relation to the human mind and soul, dates at least back to the Greeks; the shape was synonymous with Aphrodite, goddess of love. Since then, many of the greatest thinkers of their time like Aristotle and DiVinci associated the shape and symbole with the mind and the soul. The origin of the shape itself is said to lie in mating swans or the wings of a dove.

Undeniably the most powerful and evocative of all shades on the emotional spectrum, it can cause people to act irrationally. Perhaps the opposite of love is logic, and thus, mathematics. This begs me to ask why on the clusterfucking Earth do we use mathematical symbols to represent it? Why is such a complex emotion allowed to culminate into a value less than three? I refer now to the <3 emoticon.

Most defiantly an invention of teenage girls, the double-edged swords of society, the <3 emoticon scarcely even resembles the shape it's supposed to, and it is the antithesis of what the symbol means. Mathematical characters should ideally never be used to represent emotional symbols, period. And not only is the <3 self-contradictory, it is also highly impractical. The < and 3 keys are on opposite relative sides of the keyboard, and the shift key must also be utilized to activate ONE of the characters, but not the other. This is, as my dear reader can imagine, an intensely hardcore inconvenience, and in my experience, it shatters the stride of any keystroke.

Of course I oftentimes stop and think to myself when I find myself on a tangent whether or not I have my panties in a bunch about nothing. Indeed, the <3 emoticon is despicable in many ways, but perhaps the heart itself is as well. Sure it was the logo of Aphrodite, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out she was more the goddess of sex than of love. It is also debated where the shape of the heart comes from in the first place. Bluntly, it doesn't even take a middle school kid to conclude that a heart looks more like tits and ass than doves and swans.

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