Friday, September 12, 2008

'Nother poem

And lo he lay, lying limp, his legs

Shattered on sheets of shale, his sheath’s

Blade blackened by beast’s blood.

His soul was set on songs and stories, but sundered

Torn apart terribly by the teeth of ten ‘taurs.

If you're dense, it's a bout a warrior who sought fame but got a little over his head when he confronted "ten 'taurs". Shows, you have to have your head in the moment and not be distracted by rewards. This poem was inspired partly by my English teacher thinking two words in the same line as each other that started with the same letter in a loose translation of an old English poem somehow constituted deliberate alliteration. "That ain't alliteration, THIS is alliteration."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rock on, lil' brudder. How did teach respond?